Course map
This is a list of ~80 minute sessions that I regularly teach across various general management programmes. The links provide access to lecture slides, cases, classroom activities, and additional resources that I make available to students once they’ve taken the class. If you are an instructor you can contact me directly for board plans and further advice.
As a professional educator one of my main concerns with the prevalence of digital content is the impact it has on a student’s ability to gather, synthesize, and critically engage with content. I try to ensure that all of my live sessions are unique and generate content that requires attention and consideration. For this reason I strongly encourage students to take notes, and debrief with group members, instead of relying on the provision of solutions, punchlines, or board plans at some future date. Part of my responsibility as an instructor is to ensure that you do not finish the course missing any important information. But your responsibility as a student is to be in charge of absorbing what happens in the classroom.
Each session contains learning objectives as well as an assessment of cutting edge theory (c); a focus on diversity (d); and spotlight on sustainability (s). Note that Marginal Revolution University have a series on women economists.
Microeconomics I
- Incentives matter (s)
- Value creation (c) (d) (s)
- Max U (d)
- Understanding cost (d)
- Cost curves (c)
- Economies of scale (s)
- Market equilibrium (d)
- Market applications
- Auctions (c) (d) (s)
- Markets in everything (d)
- Price discrimination (c) (d)
Microeconomics II
- Competition and the market process
- CC Simulation (s)
- Platforms (c) (s)
- Game theory
- Oligopoly
- Adverse selection (c) (d) (s)
- Signalling (d)
- Capital theory (s)
- Internal markets
- Prediction markets
- Corporate entrepreneurship (d)
- Market-Based Management (R)
Macroeconomics I
- Evolution of money (c)
- Central banks and digital transformation (c)
- Public finance (d)
- Monetary policy (c) (d) (s)
- Fiscal policy (d)
- Macro Policy Workshop (d)
- International economics/ Josko Joras
- Wiggle room (c)
- Dynamic AD-AS
Macroeconomics II
- International Trade (d)
- Banking crises (c)
- Currency crises
- Debt crises (d)
- Foreign Investment (d)
- Behavioural economics
- Prosperity (d)
- Growth (c) (d) (s)
- Sustainability (s)
- Inequality (c) (d)
- Stagnation
- Progress (c) (d)
- Competitiveness