Microeconomics – MBA

This course provides an overview of basic microeconomic theory and applies it to business decision-making. In particular, it will present the main principles of microeconomics from the perspective of strategic behaviour. The course draws on examples from the business world to illustrate the practical relevance of the models used.

Course textbook:

1. Consumer behaviour and negotiation

1a. Value creation* (+)

1b. Understanding cost* (+)

Textbook: Chapter 1.2 and Chapter 2.1

2. Supply decisions

2a. Cost curves* (+)

Evans, A.J., “La Marmotte”, January 2012

Instructions: Complete Exhibit 1 and provide suggestions for the two key decisions

2b. Economies of scale (+)

Rivkin, J.W., “Dogfight over Europe: Ryanair (A)” Harvard Business School case no. 9-700-115, November 21st 2007 (£)

Discussion question: What are some sources of economies of scale? How do they apply to British Airways in 1986?

Textbook: Chapter 2.2, 2.3 and 2.4

3. Markets and prices

3a. Auctions (+)

Hild, M., Dwidevy, A., and Raj, A., 2004, “The Biggest Auction Ever: 3G Licensing in Western Europe”, Darden Business Publishing (£)

Discussion question: What are the alternatives to auctions?

3b. Equilibrium assignment (+)

Textbook: Chapter 3.1, 3.2, and 3.3

4. Asymmetric information and market design

4a. Adverse selection (+)

4b. Prediction markets (+)

Coles, Peter, Lakhani, Karim and McAfee, Andrew, “Prediction Markets at Google” Harvard Business School Case No. 9-607-088, August 20, 2007

Textbook: Chapter 3.4 and Chapter 4.4 and 4.5

5. Strategic microeconomics

5a. Game Theory (+)

5b. Oligopoly (+)

Textbook: Chapter 5.2


Sessions marked with an asterix (*) have a lecture handout available in advance, which can be downloaded.

Cases marked with a pound sign (£) are either available via Blackboard or through the library.