Performance Review
The underlying problem is that all performance reviews (especially corporate ones) tend to be costly and arbitrary. Deloitte have a new approach that intends to simplify the process by asking 4 questions:
- Given what I know of this person’s performance, and if it were my money, I would award this person the highest possible compensation increase and bonus (five point scale)
- Given what I know of this person’s performance, I would always want him or her on my team (five point scale)
- This person is at risk for low performance (yes/no)
- This person is ready for promotion today (yes/no)
I like the idea but not the questions chosen (they are too hierarchical). Mine would be something along the following lines:
- Does this person excel at their job?
- For example, is there documented evidence of other people attempting to learn from them?
- Is this person a pleasure to work with?
- For example, would other colleagues look forward to making a transatlantic trip with them?
I recently became aware of the concept of a Personal Boardroom. I think it is a good way to recognise whether you have an effective support network, and to identify why your career may be stalling. The idea is that you should have people in your life – with whom you are in regular contact – that perform each of the following roles: