
I spent September 2011 – December 2011 as Fulbright Scholar-in-Residence at San Jose State University. This page provides a list of some of the public activities I took part in. 

9/12 Meeting at Independent Institute, Oakland

9/21 “The problem with shock therapy is not enough volts: Why Russia needs more powerful oligarchs” David S. Saurman Provocative Lecture Series, San Jose State University

9/26 “Why Market Monopolies are OK”, Civil Society Institute, Santa Clara University

9/30 “Whistleblowing and the knowledge problem”, College of Business, San Jose State University

10/3 Attendee of the “Monetary Policy Workshop”, San Francisco Federal Reserve

10/7 “The Financial Crisis in the U.K.:  Uncertainty, Calculation, and Error”, Department of Economics Friday Workshop, San Jose State University

10/11 Fulbright Visiting Scholars Luncheon, Stanford University Faculty Club

10/11 Hoover Institution archives, Stanford University

11/10 “Why whistleblowing protection fails and what to do about it” Lucas Graduate School of Business, San Jose State University

11/16 “The role of ignorance in economic crises: The UK experience during the great recession” Cal State East Bay