

  • What we know about transition
    • This memo summarises some of the key insights from the literature on transitional economics. It focuses on the experience of countries in Central and Eastern Europe who engaged in their reform programmes following the collapse of communism.
    • Addendum: Belarus
  • What happened in Belarus? GCRF COMPASS Policy Brief, 25 November 2021
    • On August 9th 2020, Belarus went to the polls. The people voted (most of them, probably, for change); and yet the President remains in power. This policy brief provides a summary of what happened and an analysis of why.
    • I was a signatory to an open letter dated August 19th 2020 and addressed to the Belarusian authorities on behalf of concerned economists. 

Personal essays

The Belarus Briefing Document is a comprehensive slide deck showing the social, economic, and political history of Belarus.

Listen to the audio version here:

Anthony J. Evans · Belarus Briefing Document


I also recommend Peter Santenello’s YouTube video: