Workshop presentations
I have been invited to present my working papers at institutions including City University, the Cambridge Society for Economic Pluralism, and George Mason University.
“Did transition work? A comparative analysis of the legacy of transition following the collapse of communism”, European QCA Conference, Paper Development Workshop, Tilburg University (December 2024)
“Competitive authoritarianism, informational authoritarianism, and the emergence of dictatorship: A case study of Belarus” University of Lincoln (November 2023)
“Getting the Measure of Money” University of Buckingham (March 2019)
“Choose your own financial crisis” University of Buckingham (January 2017)
“Choose your own financial crisis. A methodological defence of second person counterfactual scenarios”, Prague Conference on Political Economy, Prague (April 2016) – not presented
“Choose your own financial crisis“, PPE Workshop, George Mason University (September 2015)
“Individualism, subjectivism and time: An introduction to the theoretical foundations of the Austrian school“, Cambridge Society for Economic Pluralism (November 2014)
“The (Quantity) Theory of Money and Credit: Monetarism and von Mises” City University Economics Department Seminar, (November 2012)
“The Financial Crisis in the U.K.: Uncertainty, Calculation, and Error ” CADI, Bucharest (June 2012)
“Establishing the Facts about Austerity” ESCP Europe Research Retreat (August 2012)
“The role of ignorance in economic crises: The UK experience during the great recession” Cal State East Bay (November 2011)
“The Financial Crisis in the U.K.: Uncertainty, Calculation, and Error”, Department of Economics Friday Workshop, San Jose State University (October 2011)
“A research agenda for applying Cultural Theory to corporate organizations” Leuven, Belgium (January 2011)
“Liquidity in the age of independence” ESCP-EAP Research Olympics, London (November 2008)
“Towards a Constitutional Theory of the Firm” ESCP-EAP Research Olympics, London (November 2008)
“In Defence of Rational Ignorance: A Subjectivist’s Solution to Public Choice Excess” Foundation for Economic Education, New York (September 2008)
“Comparative Methodology and the Diffusion of Ideas” Anglia Ruskin University, Cambridge (October 2007)
“Towards a Corporate Cultural Theory II” Workshop on Cultural Theory and Management: A Conference held in memory of Prof. Dame Mary Douglas, ESCP-EAP London (July 2007)
“Towards a Corporate Cultural Theory” Conference on Austrian Market-based Approaches to the Theory and Operation of a Business Firm, George Mason Law School (May 2007)